Tuesday, December 21, 2010

You once tried to walk legal action

The new city reports:Move to compensate project disaffection towards dismantling, you once tried to walk legal action?
Kingdom:The time in September, the administration verdict rejoinder notification in area government, dismantles to move square we several ten not label agreement of residents to tell.
I invited a lawyer with two neighbors and registered for the record in the local court on October 13.Press the law rules, the court will stop halfway administration verdict procedure after registering for the record.We is to dismantle to move to do to deliver to material on that day, the application abeyance administration decides, but till October 21, receive to fall the administration that the style dismantles for strong the approval on October 12 to decide a book.
Once being strong the administration verdict dismantling does and dismantle move a square and then can be strong to dismantle, they can also not stop this period, even if we bring up to reply argument and indictment strong dismantle.

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